About the project, about us
We want to share you about motivation and how will the platform will work.
Baldr wants to be an community-driven and community-managed DeFi 2.0 platform. It is based on the principles portrayed by Baldur: beautiful and just.
To achieve a transparent and trustworthy environment using the benefits Decentralized Finance 2.0 including but not limited to: sustainable auto inflation and deflation mechanisms, investor protection through treasury regulated APY.
To implement a decentralized voting system, where token holders will yield power to decide where the project will go and what will be prioritized.
To deliver back to the community interacting directly with them in the creation and tuning of the protocol we deliver. Empowering the community with decision-making, to innovate in the ecosystem, get and apply ideas to build towards the future of decentralized finances.
Our goal is to empower Web3 users to engage with the new Decentralized Finance technologies and also make them participants in the process of discovery of new horizons.
We welcome you all to this new journey that is only starting!
Stay tuned! ❤
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Telegram Group: 🤠Baldr Network
Telegram Announces: 📢Baldr Network Ann
Medium: 📔 Baldr Network — Medium